Copyright 2024 - Golden Yoga Therapy, LLC - All Rights Reserved

805 14th Street, Golden CO 80401

Enter the studio from the PARKING LOT IN BACK.

If you're coming for a private session you can park in that back lot, right by the studio entrance. If you're coming for class please do not park in the back lot.

You many also use the 14th street entrance, which is a few doors to the right of the coffee shop entrance. This is great when it's snowy so you don't have to walk around back.

Studio Location

Is Your Body Stuck?

If you're in pain, if you feel stiff all the time, or if your body doesn't move easily...

...your body is probably stuck in crooked patterns that have developed over your whole life.

Rolfing® and Yoga Therapy get remarkable results relieving pain and getting you back to feeling right again because they focus on re-aligning the entire body (not just parts). 

Break Free From Pain & Stiffness 

Specializing in Chronic & Acute Pain For Over 30 years

Yoga Therapy

Yoga Therapy is different from anything you've ever seen before.

It's not about bending the body like a pretzel, in fact it's just the opposite.

Yoga Therapy makes bodies straighter and bring space back to compressed joints... creating impeccable alignment in very simple postures.

When you keep it easy, you can get your body out of it's stuck pattern and into the best alignment it's capable of.

When you repeat that process you make big changes in the body and can fix big problems.

Pain Testimonials

3 Auto Immune Testimonials

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with Rolfing & Yoga Therapy in Golden, CO

Over time bodies get stuck in crooked patterns, which cause pain and dysfunction.

Rolfing fixes that by re-aligning the whole body.

Over 10 sessions of Rolfing your body will get straighter, your movement will become easier, and you will feel a new lightness as you "line up" with gravity's downward force instead of being pummeled down by it. 

Before & After 10 Sessions of Rolf Integration

I learned from the best and have been able to help a lot of people who thought they were stuck with pain.

I helped a 79 year old grandfather fix chronic back pain he'd had for 10 years.

I helped a client with Lupus get into remission and stay there for 22+ years.

I helped an ultra-marathoner who could only run 3 miles completely fix his knee pain and get back to his game.

I helped a client with an autoimmune disorder get off pain pills in 2 weeks.

The list goes on and on, as you can see from my testimonials...

...and I'd love to help you too!

Call or email now to schedule a free chat about your current body/health goals. 

Work With Me

 Christian Leeby: certified Rolfer® & certified Yoga Therapist

Hi my name is Christian Leeby and if you're in pain or just want to seriously upgrade how your body works and feels, schedule a private session with me.  

certified Rolfer®

certified Yoga Therapist 

Rolfing Testimonials


Question: If you balance a pole in the center of the room...what holds it up?

Answer: Gravity pressing DOWN holds the pole up.

And what happens to the pole when it's tilted to one side? 

Gravity quickly crushes it to the floor.

We know walls have to be straight.

You'd never walk in a building that was crooked.

But we don't realize it's the same with our bodies.